
‘Gig of a Lifetime’ for Dundee Rock Show

A Dundee rock band, preparing to perform its brand new show this month, has secured a global gig for 6,000 sci-fi fans in Glasgow next year.

The Science Fiction Experience has been invited to perform ‘When Worlds Collide’ at The World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC) in August 2024, the annual international gathering of science fiction and fantasy fans, writers, artists, musicians and creators.  Fans are expected to attend from across the world including the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Asia.

Before heading to Glasgow, the band will premiere ‘When Worlds Collide’, a cosmic tale of romance, war and adventure set to rock music, at Gardyne Theatre on Friday 22 September 2023.

sci fic

Credit – Kaelyn Robertson, KMR Media.

With stunning visual effects and a custom-made light show, The Science Fiction Experience eight-piece professional rock band will perform a variety of songs, including five new tracks, themed around science and science fiction, ending with much-loved anthem, The Power of Love.   Produced by science writer David Darling, author of 50 books published in over 20 countries, and singer/songwriter Rebecca Connelly, the show will take the audience on a journey through the cosmos with 21 distinct pieces of music set against a backdrop of theatre and drama.

The event will be captured by local photography student Kaelyn Roberston, who has been appointed tour photographer, and Eddiesa Lyon, who will sign the entire show in her first language, British Sign Language.

The longest-running Science Fiction convention in the world, WorldCon will run from 8-12 August 2024, with The Science Fiction Experience scheduled to play its two-hour show on the evening of Saturday 10 August.   This year, the event, which travels to a different city each year, will be held in Chengdu, China.


The Science Fiction Experience is heading to the SEC next year! Image supplied by WorldCon.

Executive Producer of The Science Fiction Experience and  Science Writer David Darling, said, “Our appearance at next year’s Worldcon will be a breakthrough moment for us, the gig of a lifetime. We’re thrilled to be able to showcase our work to an international audience of thousands of science fiction fans. It’s a testimony to the band’s hard work and incredible talent that we’ve come this far so quickly. For now, we are focusing on giving the audience of this month’s Dundee show a night to remember. After all, this is where we’re based, where our roots are. We can’t wait to reveal our brand new show to our home audience before heading off to other venues.”

David Darling

David Darling. Credit – Dylan Drummond, Son of the Sea.

Next year will also see the publication of David’s latest book, Ka-boom!: The Science of Extremes.

Highlighting Glasgow 2024 will be the Hugo Awards, a Masquerade, a bespoke opera, special events such as The Science Fiction Experience, an art show and exhibition, author meet and greets/book signings, along with multiple tracks of programming ranging from gaming to science, TV, film and literature and round-table debates.

Professor Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Chair of Glasgow 2024 Worldcon said, “I am excited to welcome The Science Fiction Experience to Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon For Our Futures. The combination of some of Scotland’s finest musicians, an epic tale and spectacular visual effects will bring Glasgow 2024 an experience to be remembered.”

For more information and tickets, visit