Dundee & Angus College

‘Raring to Go!’ – College Prepares to Welcome New Students

Dundee and Angus College is promising students a top-marks experience when they turn up for class next month.

With new courses from green energy and digital through to an Acting degree, the College is pledging that each and every student will enjoy a combination of face-to-face and online learning, with all three campuses – Gardyne, Kingsway and Arbroath – reopening for learners, including canteens and social areas.   This will include the opportunity for a safe and welcoming on-campus induction where students can meet their classmates before their studies begin.

Amy Monks and Simon Hewitt

Amy Monks, Students Association’ President, and D&A College Principal Simon Hewitt

Meanwhile, when it comes to the broader student experience, the Students’ Association’s team of six has been working hard to ensure that students can access and enjoy much more than their studies alone.

Since lockdown, the Association has formed around 20 clubs compared to just six pre-Covid.  Meanwhile, the Association held 400 hours of online events in the last eight months, most of which are now returning to a face-to-face format.

Former student and single mum Amy (35) is this year’s Students’ Association President. Amy believes students could have the best year ever, following last year’s restrictions – “Last year was exceptionally tough and some students found it hard switching to online learning and attempts at online living!  However, anyone concerned that they’ll be learning from their bedroom and detached from the student community can be reassured that we’ve made great strides to make their experience as normal as possible, if not better.

“We now have a greater variety of clubs and activities than ever before, all on offer to new and returning students, regardless of their interests, age or subject areas. With campus food outlets and social areas open once more, we’ve now got a mix of in-person and online activities.  There are huge benefits to that mix as students are more likely to engage with those in other campuses, not just those within their classroom so the experience should be more sociable than ever.

“Whether you’re into music, books, knitting or video games, or looking to befriend other parents or engage with the LGBT community, we’re here to bring people together and get people connected so your student experience is the best it can be. Or, if your interest isn’t represented and you’re keen to set up a club with like-minded people, we’re here to make that happen.”

Engineering futures

Meanwhile, for those still contemplating their next steps, the College is reminding locals that it’s not too late to apply.

Simon Hewitt, Principal added, “If you come to D&A, you can be assured of the best possible college and learning experience. We are regularly Scotland’s top performing college for student results and, even under the tough circumstances and challenges faced last year, our full-time FE students at Dundee and Angus College continued to be the most successful of all students in Scotland.

“Our new term may be imminent and we’re raring to go but, contrary to belief, it’s not too late to apply.  Most years we can accommodate extra students in the final days or first week of the new term. If your preferred course is full, we may be able to offer you something similar. There’s always potential to pursue a slightly different route to reach your goals.

“Or, if you didn’t quite meet the entry requirements for university or feel it’s not for you yet, remember college is a fantastic first step. We have formal articulation agreements in place with all local universities and, by completing an HNC here, you could go straight into second year at university or, if you complete an HND, you could advance straight into third year.”

Spaces remain on a number of Hospitality courses

For more information on joining D&A College, visit www.dundeeandangus.ac.uk or email heretohelp@dundeeandangus.ac.uk.